Useful telephone numbers

Here is a list of contact telephone numbers you may need to call when visiting Cabanes

Useful telephone numbers

Here is a list of contact telephone numbers you may need to call when visiting Cabanes

Telephone: 964 331001

Office of the Deputy Mayor – Venta San Antonio – Station.
Telephone: 964 319659

Social Services.
Telephone: 964 331112

Telephone: 964 657115

Tourist Office.
Telephone: 964 657032

Youth Centre.
Telephone: 964 332275

Municipal Infant School.
Telephone: 964 331534

Nuestra Señora del Buen Suceso de Cabanes Primary School.
Telephone: 964 738370

Alfonso XIII Secondary School in Cabanes.
Telephone: 964 399020

Cabanes Outpatient Clinic.
Telephone: 964 739470

Ribera de Cabanes Outpatient Clinic.
Telephone: 964 739772

Benlloch Outpatient Clinic.
Telephone: 964 739490

Vall d’Alba Health Centre.

Telephone: 964 390400

Castellón General Hospital.
Telephone: 964 725000

Castellón Provincial Hospital.
Telephone: 964 359700

La Magdalena Hospital.
Telephone: 964 244401 / 964 253736

La Plana Hospital.
Telephone: 964 399775

La Fe Health Complex.
Telephone: 964 862700

Mª Ángeles Colino. 
Telephone: 964 331338

Gilabert Tomás Riverola. 
Telephone: 964 331129

Ribera de Cabanes.
Civil Guard Police (Cabanes).
Telephone: 964 331002 / 062

Waste Consortium.
Telephone: 900103662

Cabanes Post Office.
Telephone: 964 331556

San Juan Bautista Parish Church (Cabanes).
Telephone: 964 331034

Nuestra Señora de la Asunción Parish Church (La Ribera). 
Telephone: 676916540

FACSA Water Company Cabanes. 
Telephone: 964 332170

RENFE train operator (Castellón).
Telephone: 964 214532

Fire Service.

Emergency Services.